
A Wildly Styled Throwback: Premier Guitar Reviews the Jetstar
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Hey you! By now, we bet you've seen the Jetstar around. We…

New Guild T-Bird is a Premier Guitar "Gem" from Summer NAMM!
We can't help but share the news when we're on the cover…

Two Guilds Included in Premier Guitar's New Gear Showcase
Two Guild guitars were included in Premier Guitar's New Gear…

Premier Guitar Reviews the M-140E
Premier Guitar reviewed the brand new Guild M-140E from the…

Starfire IV ST's Included in Premier Guitar's "New Gear Showcase"
Guild's Starfire IV ST was recently included in…

Premier Guitar Includes the Starfire V in Black in March's "Gear Radar"
The Guild Starfire V in black was recently featured…

Guitarist Steve Gunn talks Guild in Premier Guitar
Kurt Vile guitarist Steve Gunn was recently interviewed…

M-75 Aristocrat and M-120 E Featured in Premier Guitar Holiday Gift Guide
Looking for the perfect gift for your favorite…

Premier Guitar Spotlights Vintage M-75 Aristocrat
Premier Guitar spotlighted the 1958 Guild M-75 Aristocrat in…

Premier Guitar Reviews Guild Starfire Bass
Premier Guitar recently posted an in-depth review of the new…