Portfolio Items
Francesco Gabbani
Instrument: Bluesbird
Fleur Wood of The W Lovers
Instrument: S-100 Polara
Tim Bertsch
Instrument: S-100 Polara
Jessica Mitchell
Instrument: M-120E Cherry
Misha Lindes of Sad Girl
Instrument: OM-140 Sunburst, Jetstar
Yonatan Gat
Instrument: S-200 T-Bird
Sebastien Betley of New Language
Instrument: S-200 T-Bird
Jack O'Shea of Bayside
Instrument: Starfire IV
Connor Wells
Instrument: M-120E, D-120E
Joseph Andreoli of Giraffes? Giraffes!
Instrument: S-100
Andrew Sheppard
Instrument: Vintage Guild D-25